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The Slideshow shows photographs of the Workshops that were held and gives a visual demonstration of the acitivites that we did with the students. 

Our Story

Our Vision

About US

In September 2012 we collaborated together as a group to start a project that would help promote the Penistone Line through Craft. We connected with Honley High School to work with us so that we can work with communities that are dependant on the Penistone Line. Following this, we ran several workshops based upon research that was undertaken on trips down the line as well as inspirational memories that trains encompass. Working in the collaborative we were able to produce a number of collections and series of work to help promote the line through textiles and crafts. We hope that producing a website with promotional posters will encourage people to see what we have experienced while working with the Penistone Line and see all the attractions that can be visited.

Our vision was to get the next generation of passengers of trains involved with the line as early as possible. Helping them see more that just the train they are travelling on but the beautiful views that they pass on their way. Opening their eyes to these things we hope will inspire them to explore their local areas beyond the usual stops they travel on. Encouraging them to use the line now, we hope that for years to come they will continue to view the train line the same way they did during this project and be inclined to use it. We have shared their drawings and artwork with you so that yourselves can see Penistone Line through the eyes of another and perhaps think differently of the surroundings yourselves. The Penistone Line gives access to an array of towns and sites along the way that are ready for you to explore.


 A collabortivitve project involving students from the University of Huddersfield and Honley High School to promote the Penistone Line. 


Other links / websites for further information on Craft on the Penistone Line.


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